Upcoming Events
JULY 11th - The One I Love CD Release Party and Fundraiser for My Father's House. 7pm at Belmont
Church Sozo Building! 68 Music Square East. $5 admission or $10 with a CD! Come out and hear some great
music from Blessing Offor, Roger Jaeger, and some songs from Rebecca's CD...The One I Love! AND Support a great cause
for Uganda's orphans and war-affected children! Hope to see you there!!
May 21st- leave Nashville, go to Austin, TX- Ministering at Concordia University
May 22nd- leave Austin, go to San Angelo, TX-
Ministering at First Baptist San Angelo
May 23rd- leave San Angelo, go to waco, TX- no ministry.
May 24th- leave waco, go to dallas- concert/ministry at Six Flags, stay in Frisco
May 25th- leave frisco, spend the day in Allen, TX- ministry at Good Shepherd UMC
May 26th- day in frisco, ministry at Frisco UMC
May 27th- leave frisco, go to Memphis, TN- no ministry
May 28th- drive back to Nashville