My Father's House

Getting Involved
About Us
The Father's Love
Royal Hope Academy
Getting Involved
Magazine Paper Jewelry
Be a Sponsor
Our Worship Music
Newsletter Page
Recent and Upcoming Events
Contact Us

"But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion for them, because they were harassed and scattered, like sheep without a shepherd.  Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest indeed is plentiful, but the laborers are few.  Pray therefore that the Lord of the harvest will send out laborers into his harvest.”

Volunteer Your Time

Time is a free, renewable gift from God every day.  Give some of this gift to the children of Uganda by going on a trip or by volunteering with us stateside!  We are also looking for volunteer teachers to go for extended periods to teach in our school.

Attend a Concert Awareness Event!

The Event is coming your way SOON!  Don't forget to register by sending us an e-mail with you name, address, and e-mail address to let us know you're coming!

Invite us to speak at your church or group meeting!

We love to share about what God is doing for His children through us and to raise awareness and stir compassion on their behalf!  We also want to build kingdom relationships!

Make a Donation or Sponsor a Child

Get on board by clicking on the "make a donation" button on the home page to make a  tax-deductible donation or sign-up for a child sponsorship for $20/month.

Be a Prayer Warrior!

We need prayer warriors to uphold these young children in prayer and to pray for God's hand in our ministry.  If your heart loves to worship with God and lift up the needs of others to Him, let us know.  Send us an email and we would love to add you to our email intercessors list!

Host a Jewelry Party!

Host a party or any kind of event and share our beautiful and unique magazine paper jewelry with your friends.  All sales and proceeds will directly benefit My Fathers House and Royal Hope Academy!  Email us for more information.

We need people with passion and compassion....a passion to pray, a passion to give, and a passion to serve. 
If you have a burden to pray, write us at our e-mail address and we will send you specific requests you can be praying for us right now.
If God has blessed you and you would like to privately know how you can be involved, write us as well at our e-mail address or you can call us.  We would enjoy interacting with you about the short term and long term needs of our ministry.

My Father's House 
P.O. Box 158145
Nashville, TN 37215
Working in Kampala, Uganda